Cocos2D iPhone Programming

October 13, 2009

So as you all may, or may not know, I have recently been working on my first iPhone game.

That’s right, a game. Some of you may not know that games are much different from regular applications, in the programming aspect. I spent a lot of time researching different techniques for developing iPhone games, and the best one I found was Cocos2d, a free and open source game engine for the iPhone SDK.

Cocos2D Banner

Cocos2d is available for download here (for free).

It comes with TONS of example applications, for reference, and knowledge. This application has a slightly different syntax from the standard iPhone SDK Objective-C, but it is very easy to understand and get used to.

One of the other great things about Cocos2d, is that it is easily compatible with Chipmunk, and Box2D. Although I personally haven’t messed around with Box2D yet, I know that Chipmunk is a fantastic physics engine. Chipmunk was easily capable of being integrated into the game I was making, and it helped me out greatly. Chipmunk is also open source, and C based. With Chipmunk, you can create gravity, a character, separating the limbs, and giving them their own mass.

I really recommend that anybody looking for a great game engine, to check out Cocos2d for iPhone, and Chipmunk.

Feel free to leave a comment, with a request (such as a tutorial) or a question!

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